Pioneering drilling solutions

Preston International Drilling tolls and services
Quality services

Synergy of product architecture and performance is a result of the combination of established sources for base work and reliable machinery in tow. At Preston, our testimony of success is the consistent output of quality service and trustworthy equipment. 

Reliable Machinery Architectural Innovation Strength Leveraging Business Trustworthy Boosting Profitability
preston architectural landmark icon

We stand tall and unshakable, as we partner with the best to take the world to new heights of architectural innovation. Our focus is on facilitating an integrated approach to serve and retain customers.

For architectural landmark marvels

We are proud to have become an integral part of the world landscape, by providing the drilling solutions for architectural landmark marvels.

Our strength remains our insistence on procurement of the finest in drilling equipment. We see our clientele as our business partners, with whom we work towards leveraging business and boosting our mutual profitability.